World Book Day
I normally don't post on Sundays, but given that it is World Book Day, I had to discuss my love for reading. What's your favourite part of a story? Is it the way it flows and removes you from reality for a short while? Is it your escape? Do you fall in love with the characters, the romance, the mystery? What is it that appeals to you the most?
For me it's all of it. I love getting lost in stories, surrounded by new perceptions and ideas, new characters and identities. You live a thousand lives while reading because some part of you lives through the protagonist's eyes. You see the world differently, even if it's temporary, and for a moment you are released from the constraints of the mundane. You relinquish control to the book you are reading and the author who created it, following each line as it takes you along its journey.
How about the ability to write a book into existence? I applaud all authors for taking that venture and exploring new ideas, identities and plot lines. Letting your imagination take over can set both you and the reader free.
If you're looking for something new to read on World Book Day, check out The Hidden Legacy! Goodreads is holding a contest for a free paperback copy! You can ENTER now.
Check out the amazing work done by fellow Evernight Teen authors.
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