Invest Your Time
If you love something, commit to it.
Invest your time in things worth doing. If you're passionate about it, don't let it dwindle and fade from your lifestyle. Force it to work within your schedule. It's all in your hands.
Find a balance.
We are always balancing things in our lives. Work. School. Parents. Kids. Relationships. Friends. Hobbies.
The list goes on...
Don't spend your time. Spending implies that you don't want anything in return for what you're putting out there.
If you spend your time sloppily completing something, you're wasting an opportunity. You're wasting your own precious minutes. If you're going to do something, give it your all. Give it everything you have.
Or don't do it at all.
Invest your time in what matters instead. This leaves you looking for a return on your investment (ROI).
What will you get from finishing something haphazardly? Nothing. Your mind is hardly thinking about what you're working on, leading you to learn next-to-nothing. Your work will come out sub-par and whoever is on the other end of receiving that - let's be honest - piece of crap, is wasting their time too.
By investing, you are setting goals for yourself and aiming for an achievement. Make a conscious decision for how you want to use your time. What will you get from this expenditure?
It's interesting - I am writing about investing time into things you care about, meanwhile, I struggled to come up with a post idea for this week. I almost didn't write anything because it would have been a waste of time for people to read since my heart wasn't in it. Ironically, that way of thinking is what sparked this topic. Time.
Our lives are made of precious moments worth living. Don't squander them. Use the time you have to develop something good; do something interesting; or learn something new.
Work towards something, but don't forget what's important to you. Whether it's something you need to do or something you love to do - dedicate the time to do it right.
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