5 Tips To Increase Productivity and Motivation
Do you need more motivation to get work done?
Everyone hits a mind block at some point. It's easy to let your imagination turn off for a while or succumb to TV watching. However, I want to offer activities that will leave you feeling productive, creative and motivated.
Try something new! Is there a restaurant you've always wanted to try or a book store you've been dying to visit? Take the time to do those activities. Don't be afraid to go outside your comfort zone. You could discover something interesting, removing you from that procrastination funk you may have fallen into. Different isn't always better - but it leads to innovation. That is invaluable.
Left, left, left, right, left. Okay, you don't need structured physical exercise to find productivity. However, going for a walk, hike, run or even going to the gym can help with mental functioning. It has been proven time and again that there is a correlation between physical exercise and cognitive functioning. Individuals who keep up with a physically active routine have been proven to excel at thought-provoking activities. For example, they are better able to correctly state ink colour with a mismatched word during a Stroop Test. Get that blood flowing and work those muscles to improve your thinking.
You might be thinking - yeah sure Christine, whatever you say. But the truth is that colouring helps your brain focus by relieving your stress and anxiety levels. It's been proven that having to colour inside the lines requires concentration and allows one to live in the moment. Also, let's not forget that you are colouring things YOUR way, testing your creativity by making your own choices and it doesn't matter what anyone thinks of the end result. This is something you are doing for yourself. Colouring helps with fine motor skills and vision. This is a result of having the two hemispheres of your brain communicate while completing the task.
4. Music
"Playing music is the brain's equivalent of a full body work out." (Brain Pickings). Whether we listen to music or play an instrument, we are engaging our brains. Studies have found that greater creativity comes from classical and lower volume music. My opinion: music soothes the soul. On top of helping creativity, I find melodies and lyrics to be inspiring and emotional. The way a voice carries words to my soul sparks a determination to finish what I've started, especially in relation to writing. How do you listen to music while you work? Maybe your methods need adjusting to better benefit your thinking.
Envision how this will feel when you finally say, "I'm done." You've finished the task! How are you going to celebrate or treat yourself? Set an end reward for completing your goal. Sometimes motivation stems from how you'll feel when it's all over. Sometimes you need a little more encouragement. Is there something you've been wanting to buy but you've been holding off? Maybe there's a chocolatey treat in store - who knows! It's up to you. But if your struggling, do something to encourage you further.
It's easier to 'say' instead of 'do' but we've all been there. We all get stuck in a slump every now and then, but it's harder to pull out of it. Make things better and help yourself overcome the slump faster. If these tips don't work for you, find something that will and stick to it. We've all been there, so reach out to someone if a personal connection will move things along.
Bergland, Christopher. "Physical Activity Improves Cognitive Function."Psychology Today. N.p., 09 Apr. 2014. Web. 19 Jan. 2017. https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/the-athletes-way/201404/physical-activity-improves-cognitive-function
Dovey, Dana. "The Therapeutic Science Of Adult Coloring Books."Medical Daily. N.p., 06 Sept. 2016. Web. 19 Jan. 2017. http://www.medicaldaily.com/therapeutic-science-adult-coloring-books-how-childhood-pastime-helps-adults-356280
Dovey, Dana. "The Therapeutic Science Of Adult Coloring Books."Medical Daily. N.p., 06 Sept. 2016. Web. 19 Jan. 2017. http://www.medicaldaily.com/therapeutic-science-adult-coloring-books-how-childhood-pastime-helps-adults-356280
Popova, Maria. "How Playing Music Benefits Your Brain More than Any Other Activity."Brain Pickings. N.p., 23 Aug. 2016. Web. 19 Jan. 2017. https://www.brainpickings.org/2015/01/29/music-brain-ted-ed/
"Study: Listening To Music Helps Brain Function And Creative Process."Headlines & Global News. N.p., 22 Mar. 2015. Web. 19 Jan. 2017. http://www.hngn.com/articles/79279/20150322/listening-to-music-helps-brain-function-and-creative-process-researchers-find.htm
Wilson, Kristian. "7 Reasons Adult Coloring Books Will Make Your Life A Whole Lot Brighter."Bustle. Bustle, 03 Nov. 2015. Web. 19 Jan. 2017. https://www.bustle.com/articles/101264-7-reasons-adult-coloring-books-will-make-your-life-a-whole-lot-brighter
"Study: Listening To Music Helps Brain Function And Creative Process."Headlines & Global News. N.p., 22 Mar. 2015. Web. 19 Jan. 2017. http://www.hngn.com/articles/79279/20150322/listening-to-music-helps-brain-function-and-creative-process-researchers-find.htm
Wilson, Kristian. "7 Reasons Adult Coloring Books Will Make Your Life A Whole Lot Brighter."Bustle. Bustle, 03 Nov. 2015. Web. 19 Jan. 2017. https://www.bustle.com/articles/101264-7-reasons-adult-coloring-books-will-make-your-life-a-whole-lot-brighter
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