Should You Follow Your Dreams?

Is being a published author worth all this work? Is it worth risking rejection?

I've been asked these questions so many times, I've lost count. Starting a writing career at 18 years old while finishing high school and venturing into the university world was never an easy task. Writing fictional stories ate into my personal time with friends and family. It still does, but I've come to realize that it's all about balance.

Now at 23 I'm a Western University graduate and Sheridan College alumni with my very first book publication. That's 5 years after beginning my journey as an author. 

So is being published worth all the work I put into writing stories?

Yes. The answer will always be yes. When you know you're meant to do something and leave a mark on this world, you must pursue it with everything you have. Do not lose track of what you need to get by - whether that's a full/part-time job or post-secondary education. 

Don't be discouraged by negative feedback. Rework your vision if you must, but never let go of that passion. It's what drives you. It's what makes you who you are. Never give up that part of yourself. Not for anyone.

For those of you who feel like you are standing before a metaphorical fork in the road where one road can lead to your dreams and the other can keep you financially stable - find your medium. That is the best advice I can give to anyone in this situation. Sometimes following your dream is not what you envisioned. Sometimes it is a little different, a little less clear cut and perfect. It's easy to get caught up in possibilities instead of the reality of the world, so try not to lose sight of what's important in the pursuit of your dreams. Sometimes compromising is key.

Do not give up. Even if things are hard. Even if life gets busy and your dream needs to be set on the back burner for a short while - never let it die. Find a way to make your passion work into your lifestyle instead of turning that passion into your life.

There is always a compromise. You just need to be brave enough to look for it.


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